
Orientação de Dissertação de Mestrado (Ohio University)

Ana Carolina Rabelo. “Clean Development Mechanism and its potential as a development tool: A socio- economic study of communities hosting projects in Brazil”. June, 2004.

Roberta Haikal de Souza. “Distributional impact of an ethanol-based clean development mechanism project in Brazil”. March, 2005

Thiers Hofman do Bom Conselho. “The use of the educational voucher program in Brazil: A socio- economic study of an alternative educational funding system in Brazil”. June, 2005.

José Edwardo Trejo. “Valuing marine protected areas (MPAs) in Belize: A case study using contingent valuation methodology (CVM) to determine tourists’ willingness to pay”. June, 2005.

Kosuke Tamura. “The demand for solid waste collection in Accra: A willingness to pay study”. June, 2005

Benjamin Ofori. The urban street commons problem: spatial regulation of informal economic units in Accra, Ghana. May, 2007.

Maíra Q. Savernini. An econometric investigation of the Brazilian ethanol exports: The role of Brazilian sugar export prices and world oil prices. June, 2008.

Alexander Sharabaroff. An assessment of the impact of the deregulation of the electric power sector in the U.S. on efficiency of electricity generation and the level of emissions attributed to electricity generation. May, 2008.

Pedro Kaiser. The Brazilian shoe industry and the Chinese competition in international markets. June, 2008.

Jason Rock. M.F.E. Fall, 2009.

Michelle Campos-Sandino. Design and Incorporation of Economic Incentives in Nicaraguan Policies to Improve the Efficiency of Water Consumption at the Industrial Level. June, 2011.

Xuening Wang. “The Economic Response to Climate Change: Evidence from Europe”. July, 2012.

Orientação de Practicum (Ohio University)

Dylan Drugan. Ecolibrium Solar: Examining the growth stages of a solar racking company. April, 2013.

Membro de Banca de Mestrado e Doutorado

Universidade de São Paulo

Ohio University
Chela Moore. June, 2004
Hector Vladimir Blanco Ponce. June, 2005
Thiers Hofman do Bom Conselho. June, 2005.
Misak G. Avetisyan (environmental studies). August, 2006
Misak G. Avetisyan (economics). August, 2006
James Huth (economics). June, 2009
Melissa Meyers (Latin Am. Studies). May, 2010
Victor M. Neto (Latin Am. Studies). June, 2010

Chansouk Insouvanh. July, 2007
Debbie Hoffman. March, 2006.
Suyen Baharona Kwarteng Amaning. May, 2006
Camila Villaca (Latin Am. studies). February, 2009
Maria Martha Scaglioni (Latin Am. Studies). June, 2009
Sarah Faria (Latin Am. Studies). June, 2010
Fen Xin (Ph.D. in mechanical engineering). Fall, 2012

Orientador de Estudo Independente, Ohio University

Cesar Dias Quintas. The Politics and Economy of East Timor (graduate), Summer, 2009.
Jordan Templeton. Development and the Environment in Thailand (undergraduate), Spring, 2009. Sonia Marcus. Environmental Economics II (graduate), Winter, 2006.
Anna Stavroff. The economics of Water Resources (undergraduate), Winter, 2004.

Professor-Tutor Honors Tutorial College, Ohio University

Daniel Garrett. Smuggling and corruption. An examination of the Brazilian mahogany trade. Fall, 2012 and Spring, 2013.
Sativa Wirsthafter. Introduction to economic thinking. Fall, 2012.